Howdy! If you have yet to watch my Hatchfund video, take a moment:
Done? Great.
Reason #1: You'd be a part of an incredible film. I believe this could be the next horror franchise. If that sounds too grandiose, consider this: the biggest horror films of the last decade, such as Blair Witch Project, Paranormal Activity, had budgets of less than $25K, had no recognizable names, and were shot with non-professional productions.
What makes my film unique is its scope and simplicity. I say its scope because it tackles large issues such as isolation, alcoholism, infidelity, and religion. I also say simplicity because there are just two main characters, few locations, no special effects, and just simple shots.
Reason #2: Your gift is 100% tax-deductible!
Reason #3: The Central Park Dark PERKS! Check them out: an official Central Park Dark mug, a signed copy of the completed film on DVD, an opportunity to be an EXTRA in the film, a 16" x 9" still from the film and an official Central Park Dark tee-shirt, a "MADE POSSIBLE BY" in the credits, a total of 3 tickets to our NY premiere screening and exclusive after party (we can not provide travel or accommodations unfortunately.)
Finally, I'm looking for individuals who want to be a part of this film in a bigger way: as a producer, as a partner. And get that PRODUCER credit on imdb. To be a part of this: http://www.hatchfund.org/project/central_park_dark